They would change colors when your body temperature would heat up. Mine was pink and it would change to white when I played outside in the 80's.
I looked all over the web and found out they contained a thermochromic (temperature sensitive) pigment made by Matsui Shikiso Chemical of Japan, that changed between two colors–one when cold, one when warm. The shirts were produced with several color change choices from the late 1980s until the early 1990s.- source: Wikipedia
Mr. Kenji Matsui had a keen eye for color and used that talent in the manufacturing of raw materials for the paint industry. In 1923 Mr. Matsui founded Matsui Shikiso Chemical LTD. His fascination with color and his passion for development soon resulted in expansion into the manufacturing of crayons in 1948 and ultimately led to the manufacturing of pigments and dyes for the textile industry in 1950. -source: http://www.unimarkusa.com/
I thought it was the coolest thing and it was another fad in HISTORY...until I saw something similar on the AMERICAN APPAREL website.
Here's what they say about the shirts on their website:
Our ultralight Sheer Jersey T-shirt, made with a temperature sensitive pigment that changes between two colors - one when cold, one when warm. They come in 5 different shades and only cost 28 bucks!
What they look like:

The link to the cool "new" shirt @ American Apparel: http://store.americanapparel.net/rsa6407tcw.html
oh my god....yay....you are a blogger....! I try to update here and there but I will definitely follow yours.....love ya