I love my view as much as I love my job!
The reason? My view and my job are different every single day. I never know what to expect and that keeps me very interested....which is a hard job. I have the attention span of a monkey in a hat, talking on a banana phone.
I took the picture below yesterday during one of our common afternoon storms. Check out the's super faint. Also, check out Palm Beach Island!
PBI was established by Henry Flagler who was also the founder of standard oil. Palm Beach Island is a barrier island, it's 16 miles long, and has had some crazy residents.
Residents (past and present) include:
Donald Trump, Jimmy Buffett, Kennedy family, Rush Limbaugh, Horace Dodge (Dodge automotive family), Rod Stewart, Vera Wang, and sooo many freaking more! Funny ones the creator of Slim Fast. haha. Not sure why that's funny to me?